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发布时间:2020-09-28     来源:    点击数:



Curriculum:Foundation of Drama Director

Teacher:Wang Yiming




English Introduction:

This course aims to help students understand the basic rules of artistic creation of directors, master the most basic skills of drama directors on the stage, and take advantage of the creative experience of drama directors that students are generally interested in and willing to participate in, to receive patriotism education in the process of conception, creation and rehearsal, to tell "China's good stories" with drama director skills, and to dig out the spirit behind good stories The real imprint of ileum and the spirit of the times, and convey warm, moving, inspirational positive energy of youth, show the youth style and responsibility of comprehensive college students in the new era.

The art of directing plays is highly practical. Few of them have learned to direct after reading a few books or mastering some theoretical knowledge of directors. There is no doubt that practice should be guided by theory. Knowing some of the most basic rules of directing art can reduce the blindness in directing practice, and help students better summarize their own experience and lessons in directing course practice, and constantly improve their creative ability.

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