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发布时间:2019-10-09     来源:综合办    点击数:



Curriculum:Vocal Music Art (1)(2)

Teacher:Wang Meihong





English Introduction:Vocal Music Art is a general elective course. The teaching purpose of the course is to enable students to initially understand the basic theoretical knowledge of music, master the basic vocal skills, and improve the singing. The basic music theory can help students form a sturcured concept of music, master the scientific sound production methods, including the control of breath and the coordinated use of each resonant cavity, and have considerable singing ability. Ones voice is a reflection to the personality. Training students in singing can be a perfect way to nourish them with upright moral ground and fit into the goal of cultivating students through music teaching. Throughout the training, students will recognize their ability in finding the beauty of sound and their taste in good musical works have been greatly improved.

Teaching content mainly include: mastering singing posture and breath methods correctly; experiencing the support and control of breath to the sound; focusing on the training of the middle register, as well as the training of intonation and rhythm based on the natural sound area; the training of singing hearing; the training of articulation and enunciation in singing; learning to understand and analyze songs and express the artistry of songs.

The course respects students’ individuality, and allows students to thrive step by step. Inspire students to carry out art practice and improve their singing and performing ability.

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