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发布时间:2020-09-28     来源:综合办    点击数:



Curriculum:Walking into to the Hunan Huagu Opera

Teacher:Ouyang Ju Li



English Introduction:

Walking into Hunan Huagu opera is a public art elective course for all undergraduate students to appreciate the traditional Chinese culture.This course provides an opportunity to take a close look at the classic drama of Hunan Huagu opera. It enables students to have a comprehensive understanding of the development history, artistic style, performance and music characteristics, and aesthetic characteristics of stage art of Hunan Huagu opera.Based on the teaching of basic knowledge of Chinese traditional opera art and with the introduction of Hunan local opera Huagu opera as the main goal, Huagu opera wants to take students a jounery of experience and learning. The course guides students to understand the historical causes of Hunan Huagu opera, learn some classical aria and lines of Huagu opera, so as to have fun exploring traditional Chinses culture.

湖南大学艺术教育中心 版权所有©2019
通讯地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山南路 邮编:410082